Q & A
I get numerous questions about what I do so here I will answer the main questions. If you have a any other queries please contact me.
What is a reading?
Psychics work in numerous ways, for example, it could be by using tarot cards or your palm. I read by tuning in. How I do that is I simply close my eyes and ask to read for you, then the information, mainly in the form of pictures, feelings and knowledge, comes through.
At the start of a reading I am shown what you bring to the world, what your gift to the world is e.g. to bring compassion, mother others, lead, inspire etc etc. We then go from there in whatever way is most meaningful to you.
I ask what questions you have based on what has come through, suggest questions you may wish to have answered based on the information and ask the questions you came to the reading to have answered. You may wish to say nothing or very little and just receive what comes through or you may want answers to specific questions or information on certain areas of your life. The reading is always your time and you choose how you would like to spend that time.
By the end of the reading you will have received answers to your questions , insight and understanding on the areas discussed and guidance and knowledge on how to proceed to get the results you desire most. If you needed healing during the reading then you would have also have received healing.
I hope this helps you to understand what it is like to have a reading with me. Please let me know if you would like any further information on this.
At the start of a reading I am shown what you bring to the world, what your gift to the world is e.g. to bring compassion, mother others, lead, inspire etc etc. We then go from there in whatever way is most meaningful to you.
I ask what questions you have based on what has come through, suggest questions you may wish to have answered based on the information and ask the questions you came to the reading to have answered. You may wish to say nothing or very little and just receive what comes through or you may want answers to specific questions or information on certain areas of your life. The reading is always your time and you choose how you would like to spend that time.
By the end of the reading you will have received answers to your questions , insight and understanding on the areas discussed and guidance and knowledge on how to proceed to get the results you desire most. If you needed healing during the reading then you would have also have received healing.
I hope this helps you to understand what it is like to have a reading with me. Please let me know if you would like any further information on this.